This is a very old side project of mine.

When we pass through a door or entrance, our state immediately changes. From “I am outside” to “I am inside”. Along with the change in physical location, we also experience a change in the mind. If we enter a place that we have never been before, new things are revealed to us. If it is a place we’ve been to before, we might not even notice that anything has changed. But there always is a change. It may be warmer or colder, brighter or darker, louder or more quiet. Before entering we may have had expectations, positive anticipation, anxiety or even fear. Once we have passed through, these emotions change. Sometimes these changes are subtle, sometimes they are big. Our fear or anxiety might stay the same, increase or it might dissipate. Joyful expectation may fulfill a dream or turn to disappointment. The variations in change are infinite.

Change also occurs when we exit. Again our state changes and our mind has changed as well.

Each entrance has a different significance to each individual. Ranging from complete unawareness of its existence to great meaning and purpose. We change when we pass through and again on the way back, but we never change back to where we were before.

A fascinating part of this is that entrances are most often exits as well, the same “object” is somehow its own opposite.